백화점에서 바지 사요.
Where do I buy pants?
- At a department store
- At a shop
- In the city
- At a market
모내시 대학교에서 한국어 공부해요.
Where do I study Korean?
- At a library
- At a park
- In Korean class
- At Monash University
은행에서 돈 찾아요.
Where do I withdraw money?
- At a department store
- At university
- At a shop
- At a bank
서점에서 책 사요.
Where do I buy a book?
- At university
- At a book store
- At a shop
- At a department store
우체국에서 일해요.
Where do I work?
- At a pub
- At a post office
- At a shop
- At a book store
도서관에서 책 빌려요.
Where do I borrow a book?
- At a library
- At a book store
- At a friend's house
- At a shop
시내에서 점심 먹어요.
Where do I eat lunch?
- At a friend's house
- At karaoke
- At university
- In the city
공원에서 자전거 타요.
Where do I ride a bike?
- At a park
- At university
- at a market
- In the city
친구 집에서 음악 들어요.
Where do I listen to music?
- At a park
- At a friend's house
- In the city
- At home
시내에서 쇼핑해요.
Where do I do shopping?
- At a department store
- At a shop
- At a market
- In the city
PC방에서 친구 만나요.
Where do I meet a friend?
- At a toilet
- In the city
- At a department store
- At Internet cafe
집에서 청소해요.
Where do I clean?
- At Internet cafe
- In the city
- At a park
- At home
공원에서 테니스 쳐요.
Where do I play tennis?
- at a friend's house
- At a park
- At a tennis court
- In the city
호프집에서 술 마셔요.
Where do I drink?
- At a pub
- At a night club
- In the city
- At a party
나이트 클럽에서 춤 춰요.
Where do I dance?
- At a party
- In the city
- At a pub
- At a night club
노래방에서 노래 불러요.
Where do I sing?
- At a party
- At a karaoke
- At a park
- At a night club
집에서 음식 만들어요.
Where do I cook?
- At a restaurant
- At home
- At a meeting
- At a park
커피숍에서 커피 마셔요.
Where do I drink coffee?
- At a coffee shop
- At a restaurant
- At home
- In the city
한국 식당에서 한국 음식 먹어요.
Where do I eat Korean food?
- At a friend's party
- At a Korean restaurant
- In the city
- At home
집에서 텔레비전 봐요.
Where do I watch TV?
- At a hairdresser's
- In the city
- At a friend's house
- At home